Pole dance
Pole dance or also Pole fitness is a term for dance acrobatics on a vertical bar in a combination of gymnastics, dance and fitness. The complex and effective involvement of the muscles of the whole body helps to achieve a beautiful and toned figure in a fun way.

Regular course:
- 12 lessons led by a tutor, 1 lesson = 60 min.
- starts with warm up and stretching of the whole body (warm up)
- continues with repetition of already learned elements, practicing new elements, combining and linking
- the class ends with strengthening and stretching (cool down)
Open class:
- a one-time lesson, led by a lecturer,
- in order to try pole dance lessons/ practice your favourite tricks, combinations and improve yourself
Free lesson:
- lessons for training yourself without the guidance of a lecturer
Overview of the courses
For an up-to-date overview of new and ongoing courses, go to www.trendigo.studio/rozvrh.
PRICE: 3 000 CZK / 12 lessons
Obtížnost: 1
The course is designed for complete beginners with no previous experience.
You will learn basic grips, walking, climbing, sitting and standing on the bar and B1 spins.
You'll try your hand at floorwork and at the end of the course we'll hang upside down for the first time.
Do you know the technique of B1 spins, sit-ups and standing on the bar? Hurray for the next level B2!
PRICE: 3 000 CZK / 12 lessons
Obtížnost: 2
Follow-up course to our B1, recommended after 3 months of regular training.
Do you know the basics of PD, B1 spins, climb, sit and stand on the bar, not afraid to hang upside down?
You will learn more challenging spins and one handed, more combinations and new inverted positions
- Can you handle inverts (crucifix, gemini, pike, cross knee release,...)? Let's move on!
PRICE: 3 000 CZK / 12 lessons
Obtížnost: 3
A follow-up to our B2/ Bmix course.
Can you do basic hangs upside down and have you trained for at least 6 months?
You will learn more challenging upside down hangs, transitions from one element to another.
We recommend working on your fitness and attending our stretching class.
PRICE: 3 000 CZK / 12 lessons
Obtížnost: 4
- Follow-up course to our INT1/ INT mix.
- Can you do the elements, transitions and combinations from INT 1 level without the assistance of a tutor?
- You will learn combinations and transitions of already learned and new elements.
- We recommend practicing at least 2 times a week. We will be happy to advise you.
PRICE: 3 000 CZK / 12 lessons
Obtížnost: 5
- Follow-up course to our INT2/ T&C INT
- Can you do tricks and transitions on the bar without contact with the ground?
- You will learn new types of grips: twisted grip, cup grip, clow grip and more...
- ADV level lessons require good flexibility and strength equipment.
PRICE: 3 000 CZK / 12 lessons
Obtížnost: 6
- Follow-up course to our ADV1.
- Want to keep pushing your limits?
- Can you do power tricks and dynamic transitions on the bar without contact with the ground?
- Welcome to us. We're glad you made it this far.